Thursday, September 20, 2012

1. Explain the process you went through to develop your drawing.
First, I had to find different light areas and trace the basic image. Next, I did the hair and shaded it and made it look better. Lastly, I shaded the neck/face and I was done.
2. Explain how you found the different values in the portrait?
I traced what I could see with my eyes right away. I also held it up to the window and traced those values. I also switched between the paper and the wax to see if I could see anything else.
3.  Did you achieve a full range of the different values within your portrait?  How?
Yes, because the ends of her hair were the darkest I could make them. I made the face and neck slightly lighter. The top of the head was very light, I barely touched it.
4. Describe your craftsmanship.  Is the artwork executed and crafted neatly?
I think it was pretty neat. I executed it well and I can see the resembelance between her and the drawing. I think it looks pretty good.
5. List any obstacles you had to overcome and how you dealt with them.
I had to overcome the mouth looking uneven. I had to overcome not being able to see the values. I also overcame making the glasses look good.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Value Study

1. Describe your overall thoughts on the final piece I think for my first final piece for Art this year it came out good but it could've been better. I was suprised I did so well though.

2. How successful do you feel this piece is and why? Pretty successful because I finished on time and it came out pretty close of how I wanted it to.

3. What worked about this project? What didn’t work? Doing the shapes and the light source was actually good for me, but coloring in the background didnt do to well and the underline was not that great either.

4. If you were to do this project over again, what changes would you consider making? I would be neater with the underlining and make it flow better.

5. What was the most difficult part about completing this piece and why?
It was difficult doing the circle, because I am not good at making it flow.
6. What did you learn from this piece? I learned how to show value and show shadows and light sources.